Internal Resources - Evans Center

The SCAI Framework

The SCAI Framework was developed to balance the need for a reproducible research tool for spiritual care assessment and intervention, with an open, individually responsive approach to spiritual care that would feel authentic to chaplains, patients, and families. We have developed the SCAI framework through an interdisciplinary process involving chaplains, theologians, researchers, and other clinicians and revised it based on feedback over the years. Although it was developed for ICU family members, some questions have also been adapted for the clinical settings in which it was being used, such as the outpatient oncology clinic. As a result, you may notice small differences in versions of the framework that have been used over time.  

View publication here:
Spiritual Care Assessment and Intervention (SCAI) for Adult Outpatients With Advanced Cancer and Caregivers: A Pilot Trial to Assess Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effects.
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® September 2021

The SCAI Framework is registered under Creative Commons under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You are welcome to use the materials posted here for your own clinical use or for research conducted by non-profit entities. For any other uses, contact Dr. Alexia Torke at the Evans Center.

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Riley Hospital Walking Labyrinth

Outside walking labyrinths available on our Campus:

Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health
You will find the labyrinth located outside on the N.E. corner of the Riley Hospital for Children campus at the corner of Wilson Street and Barnhill Drive and just east of the Riley Emergency entrance.

The labyrinth was designed by John Ridder of Paxworks and installed in May 2014. It is a central feature of the hospital’s healing garden. The sunken garden-like space offers a quiet location for reflection and meditation. It is truly a beautiful and fitting complement to the hospital’s holistic care and healing of children and their families.

The labyrinth is handicap accessible and available for patients, families, hospital staff, and the public. It is open 24hours a day, seven days a week and there is plenty of parking nearby.

People walking around on the Riley Labyrinth

Suggestions for How to Walk the Labyrinth

  1. Walk at a comfortable pace for you. Most will require at least twenty minutes.
  2. Begin by quieting your mind. Some choose to focus on a person or concern that they wish to hold in prayer.
  3. Enter the labyrinth and walk the designed path in silence. Some find it helpful to pause in the center for reflection or prayer.
  4. You may meet another person. Simply step to the side so each can pass.
  5. As you exit the labyrinth, pause to collect your thoughts and spirit and give thanks for your time of reflection or prayer.

Meditations, Thoughts and Affirmations to Help You on your Walk

Meditations and/or thoughts to help calm your mind and/or spirit before you begin:

  • Each day is filled with new possibilities
  • Slow down and savor the moment
  • Smile and breathe
  • Every situation is an opportunity for growth and healing
  • I am letting go of my burdens with ease
  • In this moment, I am creating a climate and atmosphere of love, acceptance and silence

Affirmations to encourage your mind and/or spirit as you walk:

  • What I am going through is temporary, I will look towards tomorrow
  • Today I will live for the beauty of love within all creation around me
  • I will treat myself with love and respect
  • I will allow the energy of love and forgiveness to surround me
  • I choose to feel hopeful
  • I am open to receiving all the joy and gifts available to me

Things you may want to think and/or pray about as you conclude your walk:

  • My steps and my silence have invited the presence and guidance of my Higher Power
  • Through this experience I feel a new source of wisdom, change, and renewal
  • I count my blessings and offer thanks for them
  • Thank you for allowing me to have this time for myself
  • I feel at peace with the things I have left behind and feel I have received much more in return.

Methodist Hospital Walking Labyrinth

IU Health Methodist Hospital
You will find the Methodist Hospital walking labyrinth located on the North Patio of the Noyes Pavilion. This area can be found by exiting the door at the intersection of Central Avenue and Library Lane, just to the left of the Noyes Pavilion Gift Shop. This area is across the driveway from Wile Hall.

The labyrinth was designed by John Ridder of Paxworks and installed in June 2021. It has been designed as a place for prayer, meditation, and reflection. It shares the ancient design from the Chartres Cathedral in France with many other labyrinths in the world.

The Methodist Hospital walking labyrinth was created as a gift to the community by the Daniel F. Evans Center. It reflects the Evans Center's mission of promoting the integration of religious and spiritual values in healthcare.

The labyrinth is available for patients, families, hospital staff, and the public. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Handheld of 3D Labyrinth

3D Handheld Labyrinths

How we are using with Patients, Families and Staff

Some staff cannot leave their workspaces to utilize the outdoor walking labyrinths. Patients may be too ill to leave their rooms. Going outside is also dependent on the weather.

As an alternative to the walking labyrinths, The Evans Center has developed a plastic 3D handheld labyrinth model. The model measures about 3 ½” and is comfortable to hold in the hand and trace the grooves with just a finger or stylus.

The IU Health chaplains transport a few of the labyrinths on their rounds to patient rooms. The labyrinths are just one of the tools that a chaplain might offer to a patient or family member who is experiencing anxiety and in need of a relaxing and comforting activity.

The instructions are printed on a label on the back of the labyrinth models and several fun colors are available to choose from.

Joshua Coolman, staff chaplain at Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health, said:“Several team members on the PICU reflected on how they appreciated a tool they could use to center themselves while staying near their patients’ rooms in case of need or emergency. Some team members have not been able to leave the unit during their shift to visit the walking labyrinth – so they appreciate having something that they could put in their pocket or take to their station and use whenever they had a moment.”

Create Your Own Self-Care Kit

Here are some ideas of items to include in a box or special quiet area in your own home or at work:

  • Favorite teas
  • Chocolate
  • Essential oils
  • Stress ball
  • Fuzzy socks
  • Cozy blanket
  • Scented candles
  • List of words of affirmation
  • Poetry book
  • Coloring books and markers/pens
  • Playdough
  • Bubble wrap
  • Stuffed animals
  • Breathing exercises
  • Pen and notebook
  • List of phone numbers of friends and family
Brownie with a book and coffee

For Information on Other Evans Center and IU Health Projects
Please Visit the Projects Page.